Apart from being used as a raw material in the manufacturing of aircraft and other automobiles, aluminum has gained a good reputation in the packaging industry.
The inception of the aluminum collapsible tubes has been one of the revolutionary discoveries in the packaging industry. This is due to the fact that aluminum collapsible tubes are much more environmentally friendly. With 80% of the aluminum recycled and the recycling process being more eco friendly than the primary production process.
Here are some detailed reasons why aluminum collapsible tubes are most preferable compared to the other types:
· Generally, aluminum containers, including aluminum collapsible tubes are air-tight. This means that they do not allow air to go in or leave the container. This phenomenon has so many benefits to the contents. For food tubes, it helps prevent the food from going bad. For cosmetic tunes, it helps prevent contamination as some foreign additives could tamper with the chemical content of these products and trigger some reactions in humans. We could just say that this quality helps prevent contamination. Plastic tubes and aluminum laminate tubes are made of plastic, they can’t be suitable for foods.
· Aluminum containers have long life spans. No one wants a container that would aid the sipping of chemicals into its contents after a brief period of time. It is the aim of most manufacturers to be able to keep their goods in near-optimum quality for a considerable amount of time till it is discovered by the consumer. To achieve this goal, aluminum packaging, including aluminium collapsible tube can be trusted.
· Aluminum collapsible tubes do not tamper with the contents. One major thing that manufacturers of products take into consideration is the fact that their packaging should not tamper with their contents. Aluminium in general is considered safe packaging and hence, collapsible tubes made of it are most reliable.
To ensure that the lives of the masses are safe, there are some requirements that must be met by manufacturers. These requirements vary based on the products but are quite similar to some extent
The major requirements that most aluminum collapsible tube products must meet are:
· ISO 22715 –
These specifications have to do mainly with the packaging and labeling of cosmetic products. It was published in the year 2006, by April. There are a total of 26 rules that the cosmetic industry must abide by and ISO 22715 is one of them. While this regulation had virtually nothing to do with the content most especially as to whether it can be considered cosmetic or not, the ISO 22715 has placed great concern on the packaging, and here are some of the specifications under this specific regulation.
The ISO ensures that the consumers are aware of the content of the proposed cosmetic products and how they can be used. It also ensures that the name of the manufacturer is provided. The information required to fulfill this regulation is the list of all ingredients involved in the production process, date of the manufacture and/or batch number in order to be able to track production, name of the manufacturer, weight/volume of the product as at the time of production, how the product can be stored…. etc.
· FDA –
As the ISO 22715 is to cosmetic tubes so are the FDA regulations to food tubes. Basically, what this means is that the FDA is concerned with the operations as regards the packaging of food products. There is a spot on packaging materials that are referred to as the PDP (Principal Display Panel) and this is the part that is the most visible to the consumer. The FDA like the ISO 22715 requires that certain information be provided to ensure that the customers are aware of what they are buying and that the manufacturers are held accountable for whatever might result from the consumption of their foods.
These requirements include that the PDP must contain the name of the product, the net quantity, the information about the manufacturer, the date of production… etc.
· EU –
The difference between the EU and the FDA is mainly the regions in which these regulations are being employed. The EU is employed by European countries while the FDA is being enforced by the USA. In all, their objectives are similar as their main aim is to ensure that the consumers are safe and that the manufacturers have a sense of responsibility. The EU also function by making sure that the manufacturers provide adequate information about their products and ensure that it is safe for their intended use.
Another peculiar thing about the EU is that they not only apply to food but also cosmetic products. and pharmaceutical industry
As established earlier on, aluminum is one of the safest packaging materials. However, like every other substance on planet earth, aluminum should be handled with care and precaution. Sure aluminum on its own poses no threat to human life but if exposed to certain conditions, it could lead or even facilitate dangerous processes. Hence, in enforcing these rules stared above, manufacturers need not pay attention to only the products but also the packaging materials
Here are some ways you can care for aluminum packaging materials:
· Wash thoroughly and sanitize in order to rid of bacteria or microorganisms
· Despite the fact that it can withstand certain temperatures, it is wise to ensure that these tubes are not exposed to extremely harsh conditions. The reason is that these materials are not completely immune to chemical reactions
· Ensure that these tubes are in perfect condition before filling them up with products. Check for any faults in the packaging materials.
Be it cosmetic tubes or any other form of aluminum tubes, it is no new thing that they are one of the most revolutionary inventions of mankind. Apart from their looks, they have so many benefits that they offer both to the consumers and the manufacturers. However, there is still a lot of caution and care that manufacturers have to put into their production and packaging process.
In all, aluminum helps ease some of this stress by producing a packaging material that is easy to etch on and has little or no effect on the packaging materials. All the same, one cannot be too careful when it comes to production and packaging.
If you are looking for packaging suppliers, contact Beautysky who making aluminum tubes for the specification of collapsible aluminum tubes, lie diameter, offset printing, screen printing, hot stamping, coating, orifice, sample, markets. Leave your message, you will get answers in 1 day.